
FA Cup Cancelled.

FA Cup Cancelled.
Club Green Streets F.Nilandhoo Foakaidhoo Sports Club Maziya Sports and Recreation Club New Radiant Sports Club

There will be no FA Cup played this season as the Premier League last match is scheduled to play on November 27th.

And as we predict the opening match of next season, The Charity Shield match will be played in the mid week of February which leaves only only one month left for players to take their football boots off and rest.

Obviously the two clubs to take on the AFC challenges will start their  preparations in January. And from thr remaining  top tier teams, most of the teams are likely to start practice in January which leaves December as the only off month for the players to rest after a busy season.

Football Association of Maldives has also already announced that they will not hold the president's Cup this season due to Premier League fixture congestion.

Previously FA Cup was cancelled in 2015, but the President's Cup was held in Kulhudhuffushi and Addu, the winner of which took part in the AFC Cup instead of the FA Cup winner.

Football Association of Maldives held a meeting with the first division clubs to gather their taugths on FA Cup issue and as far Boalha.MV is aware, only TC Sports club was only side to vote yes to hold FA Cup. And the majority voted NO.

One thing that affected the tight schedule of the season was the numbers of league matches of the season including Male League and Premier League. Unlike previous years the number of teams competing in Premier League, Premier League has increased from eight teams to ten teams. The another thing that affected the schedule was the good number of weeks given to National team preparation, which served well as Maldives won SAFF championship for second time this year.

Photo: ImagesMV

08 November 2018