
Victory Sports Club to be back in youth tournament after 2 years.

Victory Sports Club is preparing to return into youth tournament once again. Victory has being sitting out for last 2 tournaments. 

In a Facebook post of vice president of Victory Sports Club and former coach of the club, Mauroof Ahmed (Maatte) said a meeting was held to discuss about the Victory youth team preparations. It seems soon there will be trails opened for the team as he tagged #trails within the post.

As in the post it shows, Victory Sports Club board members were present during the meeting. Along with Maatte, Club president Ahmed Nasheed,  and one of the director and club’s goal keeper trainer, Ahmed Ritaz (Ghaanaa) also was present in the meeting. Former coach of Club Valencia and player of Victory, Sobah Mohamed were also present in the discussions along with under 15 national side assistant coach Mohamed Fareed (Faritte).

Victory lastly featured in the 2016 youth tournament.  Victory has being a strong side whenever they participate. Victory went on to win youth championship of 2012.

Victory playing during 2016's youth championship. (Photo: Avas)

Other participating sides, Club Eagles, Maziya, New Radiant, Club Green Streets, debuting Foakaidhoo, TC Sports has already started their training towards the upcoming youth tournament.

he format for the Youth Championship changed last year. This year's youth tournament was carried out as an under 19. Making the following youth tournament as an under 21, FAM wishes to provide the opportunity to this year's youth players to play in the coming year. And FAM will be carrying out this format (under 19 once in two years, and under 21 in the following year) in the following years. Eagles the most successful youth club in the Maldives lost out to an impressive Green Streets last year in the final match.

Last two years there have being a noticeable drop in the numbers of participating teams in youth level. Only 4 teams compete in the last two youth tournaments.

 Other than this, it is also believed that there will be a significant rise in the numbers of competing teams in this year youth championship. 

This year’s FAM youth championship is to kick off on 3rd February.


(Photo: Avas)

09 January 2019