
Girls Football Academy Started By The FAM

The Football Association of Maldives opens Academy for girls. The girls only academy is open to girls from the the age of six to thirteen. 

The girls will be training three times a week. Applications forms are available at the Football Association counter. FAM has given +960 7970303 as the contact number for more information. There are several academies with girls squad. With lack of enough players, Girls squads are reduced to few girls in most academies. 

With the introduction of Girls Football Academy change is expected. The academy will be focused on girls only.

The Football Association President Bassam Adheel Jalil wants to make Football the number one sport for women in the Maldives. End of last year, A special C-certificate course was held for women. This is another step taken by the Football Association 'towards future'.

Photo: ImagesMV

15 February 2019