
Saqib Praises FFC Ahead Of Transfer

Saqib Praises FFC Ahead Of Transfer
BG Sports Foakaidhoo Sports Club Maalhos Sports Club

Saqib Hanif has praised Dhivehi Premier League and Foakaidhoo FC in particular.

According to Pakistani football website Football Pakistan, Saqib is all set to rejoin his comrades in Foakaidhoo FC second consecutive season. Saqib praised the Dhivehi league in his interview and assured that he is set to join the northerners shortly. According to Saqib he will be with the team in June, with the league starting in July.

Speaking to BoalhaMV Saqib said that he is happy to join with FFC. "Becouse as i said foakaidhoo Management and Technical staff never treat Us like players . They treat players like family so I want to be in My Family" Saqib told BoalhaMV via Facebook. 

"Saqib is a very professional and dependable player. he's like a brother to all of us in FFC" Foakaidhoo FC coach Ali Nisthar Mohamed posted on Facebook. Talking to BoalhaMV, Foakaidhoo FC assistant manager Mohamed Rimaz said that Foakaidhoo team has a special bond between players, management and the technical staff. "we at FFC have created a friendly and easy environment for everyone involved. No one is bossy here, not me, not the manager not even coach. we all set our ego's aside for the good of the team" Rimaz said talking to BoalhaMV. Rimaz also said that the transfer of Saqib is all set and it's just a matter of "few formalities" now.

Saqib signed to Foakaidhoo from Maalhos Sports Club. The Pakistani custodian moved to Maldives in 2016 when BG Sports signed him. In 2018 Saqib was named the vice captain of Pakistani national team that took part in the Asian games.

Photo: ImagesMV

23 February 2019