
2 European league players to join UV

2 European league players to join UV
Transfer Rumours United Victory Nazeeh

United Victory club head coach Mohamed Nazeeh has confirmed that two players who are playing in European leagues will join them shortly.

"As they are currently playing at the league they will be able to join after the league" adds Nazeeh. "Another player will also be joining UV a bit earlier" Nazeeh spoke to

United Victory ended the last season drastically. So they are feeling the heat. "To have a target, first of all we need to perform consistently, then will we able to make it work and set aims, when the team begins playing as a whole." says Nazeeh. Furthermore he believes that the team should last the league at least in the top 6. And he believes the team has the potential to do so. The reason being," Contrary to last year, the players this year are much better, they have the qualities and attributes, also last year we did not even have players to be substituted, we were that limited. We had just around 12 players, while just sufficiently filling the team up after them were players of U16 and U17." says the coach." To give a better performance, yes we should, that is our target at the moment" adds Nazeeh.

"Last season we had great draw backs. We started out with high hopes with top 4 on our mind, and suddenly saw four of our most potential players injured, and the foreign players slacking in their performance. After a blow like that, it would be catastrophic for any team, and to get back in the game would just be a miracle, but just managed to scrape by with those." tells us the downhearted coach about their uneventful last season. 

"But this season will be different." assures us Nazeeh. "Because beforehand we have gathered what we need this time and prepared, 'players that will be fit for this system', that's what we are beginning the league with this time." the hopeful coach tells us. 


18 May 2019