
President appoints Heena Coach as Sports Commissioner

President appoints Heena Coach as Sports Commissioner
Ahmed Saleem (Heena) Sports Commissioner

Today, the president has appointed a great sportsman as the commissioner of sports, he is no other than Ahmed Saleem (Heena) Coach. He has served the football family long and with determination. Currently his position is equivalent to that of deputy ministers.

Heena coach is someone who is running his own academy in pursuit of young footballers, to teach them what he has learnt through his own journey.

Both nationally and internationally, Heena coach has completed trainings held globally and worldwide. He is someone who, without a doubt carried out the longest youth development programmes and activities in the Maldives.

As the person who has trained most of the current rising stars in the Maldives, Ahmed Salleem (Heena) has received the National Award for serving the sports community in 2018.

22 May 2019