
Match Predictions: Round One-Week Four

Match Predictions: Round One-Week Four
Club Eagles Club Green Streets da grande DPL2019-20 F.Nilandhoo Foakaidhoo Sports Club Maziya Sports and Recreation Club TC Sports Club United Victory

For some of the Clubs it's their fourth game of the Dhiraagu Dhivehi Premier League, for others it's their third. Into the fourth match day, BoalhaMV now brings the predictions. To us the 'match of the week' is the fourth match. The game between defending champions TC Sports and Green Streets, but before we go to that we have to start with the first match.

Match 13: Club Eagles Vs Nilandhoo SC

Both the teams are yet to win a game this season, Eagles playing extremely well in both their games dropping points in the closing minutes. With Nimad in-charge for the next couple of games, Eagles on paper looks too strong for Nilandhoo. Nilandhoo still recovering from a 13-0 loss to Maziya, this match could give Eagles a much needed boost to kick-start their campaign.

BoalhaMV Prediction: 6-0 to Club Eagles | Key player: Ali Fasir(Sentey) of Eagles.


Match 14: Maziya S&R Vs Foakaidhoo FC

Maziya are the early season favorites, having scored sixteen goals in two games. Maziya has the  firepower to defeat any club at the moment. Foakaidhoo on the other hand are a much better side than most people believe them to be. Having drawn TC Sports already and beaten United Victory, Foakaidhoo would want to raise from their defeat to Da Grande where scoring was their problem. BoalhaMV believes Maziya would be too strong for the young FFC side though.

BoalhaMV Prediction: 3-0 to Maziya | Key Player: Hassan Naiz(Dhaadhu)


Match 15: United Victory Vs Da Grande

Da Grande are the league leaders so far. United Victory lost to Foakaidhoo and TC Sports while thrashing Victory Sports. It would be a close game unlike matches 13 and 14. BoalhaMV believe Da Grande will edge this game as United Victory are in more pressure than Da Grande. Da Grande already leading the table has nothing to lose.

BoalhaMV Prediction: 2-1 to Da Grande | Key Player  Obaidha Khadhum of Da Grande


Match 16: TC Sports Vs Green Streets

Green Streets needed Ali Ashfaq(Dhagandey) to rescue them in their last game, having played two games and winning one point, surely pressure is on Green Streets. TC having having shot up the table find themselves in second place behind Da Grande. TC needed Nepali striker Bimal's last minute strike to rescue them against Eagles. BoalhaMV believes TC might just about get their noses in front here. Green Streets looks weak on their full back positions. With Dhagandey isolated up front most of the time, Green Streets doesn't look as smooth as TC Sports does, Coach Mohamed Athif experimenting with midfielder Ismail Easa(Messi)playing up front, TC looks more comfortable.

BoalhaMV Prediction: 2-1 to TC Sports | Key Player: Ismail Easa(Messi)

Photo: ImagesMV


29 June 2019