
Yaambe Appointed Manager of National Team

Yaambe Appointed Manager of National Team

Yameen Ibrahim(Yaambe) has been named the manager of the senior National Team today.

Former national player Yaambe has been an integral part of TC Sports raise in Maldivian football. Former TC Sports and Eagles midfield maestro is known for his cool passing and creative play. 

The senior National Team has been under scrutiny as the National Coach Petar Segrt refuses to pick the bet players in the country including the player of the year Ali Ashfaq(Dhagandey) and Hassan Raif(Hanna). Maldives won the SAFF Suzuki Cup in 2018 after escaping the group stages with a toss of a coin. Dhagandey is the country's top scorer and best player while Hanna is named the best young player. 

Photo: FAM

10 August 2019