
Miraash Ruled Out of SAFF Games Maldives Squad After Injury

Miraash Ruled Out of SAFF Games Maldives Squad After Injury
ETFA Iskandar School Miraash Imthiyaz

Miraash Imthiyaz has been ruled out of Maldives Under-23 team after getting injured in CF Mollet's 0-2 defeat against Girona FC.

Mirash(Aash) scheduled scheduled to arrive in time for the SAFF games was injured in CF Mollet's 0-2 defeat against Girona FC in Premara Catalana game played on the 17th of November.

Talking to BoalhaMV, the 21 year old Aash said that he was disappointed to miss out of the SAFF Games. According to Aash, the Football Association of Maldives notified his club, and he was all set to travel when he got injured. 

"I am grateful for the opportunity from the national team and I hope I will be able to represent them in the near future" Aash told BoalhaMV. Aash also said though he is very disappointed to miss out, that injuries are a part of football and that all athletes have to accept it. "What's most important for me right now is to recover and get back on the pitch as soon as possible" Aash added.

Former ETFA and Iskandar School star moved to Spain featuring in CF Mollet this season after successful stints with UE Belvitge and UE Cornella. Aash also trained with Maldives Under-19 National Team briefly when he was 16 years old. 

Photo: CF Mollet UE

25 November 2019