
BoalhaMV Speaks With Ahmed Amjadhu

BoalhaMV Speaks With Ahmed Amjadhu
Foakaidhoo Sports Club Maalhos League Maalhos Sports Club Vaanuvaa Ahmed Amjadhu

Ahmed Amjadh(Amju), not many people know this player. He is Foakaidhoo FC’s left back, he broke into the side which had more experienced left sided players and played there till he had to leave.

He is now busy playing for Vaanuvaa, as it’s vice captain in the Maalhos League. His friend and team-mate from Foakaidhoo Hassan Fuad(Jack) is the captain of Alpha, another Maalhos League side. 

They are not alone. Maalhos captain, the 28-year-old Ibrahim Naif played in every single minute of Maalhos’ 2017 Dhivehi Premier League campaign. He didn’t just play, he excelled scoring an impressive three goals playing as a defensive midfielder even earning praise from the top clubs in Maldives. He chose not to follow his dream to play football. Ahmed Arif best known for that Dhagandey Style goal that he scored against New Radiant beating the defense line and even going past the legendary Imran Mohamed. He is back in Maalhos too. Adam Sajid as a teenager appeared for Huriyya in their hey days. The talent in Maalhos is very strong, but most of them refuse to come to Male' to perform in the Premier League. Amju tried three times, once with VB Sports, then when his home team Maalhos qualified to the DPL and then few months with Foakaidhoo FC. 

Maalhos did well in their season in the Dhivehi Premier League

We caught up with Amju to ask him a few questions;

BoalhaMV: Amju, tell us about your time with VB Sports.

Amju: I first played for VB under 21 in 2013 when I was 20. It was my utmost experience to play in a professional team and I believe that getting the chance was my best luck because of the friendly and co-operative environment of the VB. The most special thing about the team was, they always had a potential to win whichever match they played. I know other teams also has the same aim but VB is much more different than that. Also, the management was the biggest support I got, specially our coach Nazeeh who taught me the actual meaning of football. I am forever thankful to Satho manager and the coaching staffs Shakir coach, Sajja coach, Maanu coach and Meta coach for the confidence they all gave me. Overall, I did not face any problem when I was playing for VB and its sad that the team is not there anymore

Amju with VB Sports (Photo:

BoalhaMV:  What happened to you after VB Sports?

Amju: I always want to play as a first division player however there are some problems like not getting a good accommodation and food. Also I had financial difficulties as it was in Male', so I decided not to play at that moment. So I went to do some other job as playing football only wasn't enough.

BoalhaMV: What was it like to play for Maalhos in the Dhivehi Premier League?

Amju: Playing in the premier league as a player for my homeland was one of the biggest dream I had, which came true. Throughout the league we faced a lot of things that we did not expect. Practicing in the island and going back Male' for the matches and playing without adjusting to the place was the most difficult issue we went through. Despite having all the issues, performing in the premier league with my homeland squad and with experience players from first division made me a much better player. Also representing AA.Maalhos as "kashikeyo meehun" and making the islanders proud was a feeling which gave me happy tears.

Amju assisted Angel's goal when Maalhos beat Green Streets

BoalhaMV:  Would you like to take this as a professional job if you get the opportunity

Amju: It would be a pleasure to be a professional player if I get the chance.

BoalhaMV:  What are the difficulties you face?

Amju: The main issue is that here in Maldives there is no way to only focus on football and get a stable life.

Amju signed a three year contract with Foakaidhoo FC this season as required by the football Association of Maldives. Four months without pay after a dispute between the the authorities, Maldivian football as fallen to an all time low as far as league is concerned. Amju as a responsible son and brother has returned to Maalhos.

Will he ever return to football? He didn’t answer than question when we asked him. Amju says he is hoping for a better day. A day in which players from the islands have the confidence that football can be a reliable source of income, so that he will be proud of what he does, and be proud to tell his friends and family that he is a footballer.

Photo: ImagesMV

01 December 2019