
Mahloof Announces Completion of Alifushi Turf Ground

Mahloof Announces Completion of Alifushi Turf Ground

Minister of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment, Ahmed Mahloof announced that they have completed Raa atoll Alifushi Turf Football ground.
This project was carried out by RKL Group and some of the sub-base works were done by Heavy Force  Company for MVR 1,215,470.20.  
Amin Construction carried out the turf planting component for MVR 4,203,358.36. Therefore the government spent a total of MVR 5,418,828.56 for this particular project. 

Minister Mahloof tweeted on Wednesday saying that "Alifushi becomes the 5th Turf Ground to be completed in President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's administration. Fencing,light & rostrum projects are ongoing. Hoping this ground would bring a huge impact on developing star players from the Island."

Mahloof thanked Alifushi youth community and it's Island council. He also thanked the Parliament Member of Alifushi Constituency Mohamed Rasheed Hussain (Bigey) for his support.  
Government  completed four other football grounds so far. Those were in F. Nilandhoo, N. Holhudhoo, N. Kendhikulhudhoo and Th. Vilufushi.  
Developing high quality football grounds across 100 islands in the Maldives was an electoral pleged by President Solih.

17 September 2020