
Return to Watch Live Sports is not Possible : UK Prime Minister

The UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has confirmed Plans for fans to return to watch live sports will not be possible from 1 October 2020.

According to BBC, plans were placed under review due to rise in number of Covid-19 cases.

UK has 404,000 cases of Covid-19 reported until yesterday. And 41,825 deaths were recorded up to today.  The UK’s Covid-19 alert has moved to 4, which means transmission in “high or rising exponentially.”

Addressing at the parliament while announcing new measures and restrictions that UK will impose to cope with Covid-19, PM Boris said that they have to acknowledge the spread of the virus is now affecting their ability to reopen large sporting events.

“We will not be able to do this from October 1 and I recognize the implications for our sports clubs, which are the life and soul of our communities” he said.

PM Boris also noted that the current restrictions are likely to remain for the next six months.

The Premier League expressed its concerns regarding the PM’s announcement. It says that “the football economy is unsustainable” without fans attending matches and they are disappointed by the PM’s announcement.

Due to covid-19 Pandemic English Premier League and other leagues faced financial devastations and many clubs were unable to pay full salaries to their staffs and team members.  According to FIFA, world football has a loss of $11 billion due to this illness.



22 September 2020