
HSS-Invitational Cup 2017 – the very first junior international tournament in Maldives.

Hulhumale’ Sports School is preparing to hold the very first international tournament in Maldives for junior age group.

HSS – Invitational Cup 2017 will be organized HSS in corporation by one of the biggest tournament organizers in the nation, Club Maldives. And this tournament, very first of its kind, title sponsor will be MILO. had the opportunity to have a brief talk regarding the tournament with Ahmed Nimal, the technical director of Hulhumale’ Sports School.

“This tournament is held with the aim to showcase young local talents and to meet international young players. Tournament will be among 10 teams.” Nimal detailed.

According to HSS, the tournament is set to kick off later in November end. Players under 14 years are eligible to play in the tournament. Total ten teams will be participating in the very first international tournament held for this age group.

“International three teams will be arriving to Male’ to take part in. One of the team from abroad will be from India. And from Sri Lanka also two teams will come. And the rest of the teams will be among the local football academies.” Nimal briefed about the participants.

According to HSS technical director, Nimal, among the participants, so far there will be six local teams. One of them will be their very own team from Hulhumale’ Sports School. Hulhumale’ Sports School recently took part in an international tournament held for same age group in India. And the remaining five teams includes teams among the football academies based in Male’. Which is Early Touch Football Academy (ETFA), Maziya Football Academy, Maldives Soccer Mates Football Academy, Eagles Football Academy, BG Football Academy.

This great initiation by HSS will definitely will open the door for local juniors to show their talent. Tournament will be held in Henveiru Ground.

26 October 2017