

Rivalry amongst islands is something we have been seeing for a lot of generations. Teams resembling their home island compete with each other on many levels on different occasions and when it comes to football, there is no rivalry or competition greater. As such HAF Island Cup has become a fierce competition between islands since its introduction in 2014.

HAF Island Cup is currently one of the most popular futsal competitions held in Male’.  With a grand prize of 50000 rufiyaa for the champion team, the tournament has become one of the most awaited competitions by many people. Organized by a group of friends from Vilufushi, the main aim of the tournament is to create unity through sports.

32 teams from different atolls and islands compete in the tournament where islands with small and big populations have participated over the years. Even islands which have become famous through football have participated.  Mahinadhoo, Thimarafushi, Hithaadhoo are some of the famous islands that are participating in the tournament every year.

Speaking to Boalha, one of the organizers told that the idea came from three friends working in MNDF, whose name’s initials; H, A & F, are included in the tournament’s name. Since those three friends did not have any legal authority to organize such an event, the organizers agreed to help them and in return, they gained a lot of experience throughout the years.

“Although both of us manage and do most of the work, we have a selected team with given responsibilities and deadlines. So writing our names would not be appropriate and would affect team work. Rather, I would like to highlight the name of our club and island, Rising Stars of Vilufushi Recreation (RSVR).” One of the organizers stated.

Speaking about the future plans of the tournament, the organizers said that they are thinking about increasing the number of teams and to increase the grand prize to a record amount in Maldives. Also, they have planned to promote and provide more opportunities for youngsters who are gifted with the talent. They also highlighted that the only drawback is not getting enough sponsors to run the event in a more professional way and also, that pitch condition in Maldives is not good for players to display their full potential.

“Players and supporters are very friendly and supportive. They think this tournament provides opportunity for them to perform in a higher level than they do now. Some people commented that they see this tournament as their own and even helped us find sponsors. Some teams broadcast their match via Facebook live and show it in their islands on big screens.” The organizers mentioned while talking about the support they get for the tournament.

The organizer thanked all the teams, supporters, sponsors and everyone who helped them in previous years after saying that they have scheduled this year’s tournament for April 20th. He also said that preparations for the tournament, has already begun and they are currently looking for sponsors. He stated that participation for the competition will be opened once they can finalize the sponsors and also stated that interested sponsors can contact them by phone (9630361 / 9994288) or by email ([email protected]).

It’s a beautiful sight for any footballer or football fan to see people trying to develop football or to provide opportunities for players to play and compete in huge tournaments. The organizers and the team of HAF Island Cup are doing a great job uniting footballers, supporters and spectators. With an increase amount of support in future years, the tournament could become the most popular futsal tournament in Maldives.

Photo: HAF Island Cup 2018

31 January 2018