
The humanity and passion of football

The humanity and passion of football
Dhivehi Premier League FAM Mohamed Haneef (Benjo) Mohamed Shiyaz (Mohan)

You couldn’t say Football is just a sports game between two teams for the enjoyment of the fans nor the players. It’s more than that. This sport teach and sometimes show us respect and love for humanity. Being said this, the Maldives football community sees this very rarely. Because mainly we see these kind of actions outside the field. Yet the international media and social apprentices appreciate these kind of act of heroism in or outside the field.

Recently Maldivian football community started to see this beautiful scenes. Last week in the Dhiraagu Premier League match between Club Eagles and TC Sports when TC Sports Star player Mohamed Haneef (Benjo) got injured in the field, Club Eagles head Coach Mr. Mohan who is one of the best coaches in the Maldives, player and an official of Club Eagles rushed to the field to help the opposition team injured player (Benjo). This was the most beautiful and happiest scene we’ve seen recently in the Maldives National stadium compared to our current football status. Rivalry is when playing the game, but Human is a Human no matter which team you play or how good or bad the timing is. Photos of this beautiful scenes were the most talking point on the social media platform, whether a football fan or not. This particular moment brought us joy and passion to our football community. TC Sports won the Match but Club Eagles won the hearts.

It was a game where TC Sports was looking for their consecutive win after winning the first two games in Dhiraagu Dhivehi Premier League against F.Nilandhoo by 6-1 and 3-0 against Fehendhoo. Meantime on the other hand Club Eagles was still looking for their first win after being drew in a disappoint way in their first two games of the premier league against New Radiant and Maziya.

These kinds of action were too rarely to be seen. If I’m not wrong we’ve seen this almost never. But moments like these will cherish forever and it will help people to see the true passion of football. People will respect in and outside of the field. It will set a good example for the current and future generation. And it’ll help us to bring a larger crowed to the Stadium because at the end respect and humanity will attract anyone at any age from any gender.

Hope the Maldivian football community get to sees this kind of action in and out of the field from the players and officials. May Allah bless us all.


(By: Aai)

16 July 2018