
FAM appoints Assad as the head of the Competitions Department

Assad Abdul Ghanee has been appointed by FAM as the head of the Competitions Department. He did serve as the Exco Member of FAM in 2016.

Assad Abdul Ghanee, better known for being the caption who lifted the SAAF Championship trophy in 2008, has a decorated playing career. He has somewhat mixed success as a coach, serving as the youth coach of Club Valencia and wining the tournament, the head coach of the National under 23 side  as well as the assistant coach of the National Senior side.

He is currently the head coach of F. Nilandhoo,  playing in the Dhiraagu Dhivehi Premier League this season, even though he has not been seen in the bench.

FAM has been strengthening their internal departments. Recently they have parted ways with the former Technical Director Can Vanli, and appointed Mr. Ihsan Abdul Ghanee, the experienced coach as the Assistant Technical Director.

FAM has been heavily criticized by most Premier League coaches for the recent change in the Football Calendar.

Football supporters would hope with the appointment, Assad would be able to show the leadership and vision he showed in the field in his new job as the head of the Competition Department to improve FAM. We at Boalha wishes Assad the very best on his appointment.


Photo Credits: Facebook Page: Assad Abdul Ghani 

28 July 2018