
OPINIONS: Does Age really Matter in Football- from A True Maldivian Fan MV-

Does age really matters in football?

Isn't it the performance that matters? Yes for me performance is all that matters. If the player is just 14 and that particular player performs better than others in the local leagues he should be in the squad, likewise if he is 40 and is the better player than the others he should be in the team too. Am i wrong?

Aren’t we talking about the National Senior Squad? What I am trying to say here is build Youth teams, Participate in those tournaments, play friendlies if you really wants to grow our youth, isn’t that how other countries do this? Or just because he is young he gets the chance to play in the National Senior Squad while there is another player who is older than him performs better is out? How fair is that? Lets say we have a two month break from the local leagues right now, why not select some youth teams and play friendlies? We do have a under 16,19 and a 23 teams right? Then why not?

By the way i support this thing call “Towards Future”. Kids getting competitive matches like this will really benefit for our Maldivian football. So yeah Thank you for that. All I am saying is that the Senior National Team must have some quality.

Just because some guy practices or play some 75 minutes or less within a season, and he is young, and the coach “THINKS” he might be a good fit doesn’t mean he should be in the National Senior Team. Am i wrong?

From = A True Maldivian fan

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02 August 2018