
The story of Sports Club Bafana, a modest club with big dreams

“Bafana is one of the greatest names in North Huvadhu Atoll” says former VBSports and Club PK player Dinho (Nasru Mohamed Didi)

To the people of Ga. Atoll, Sports Club Bafana is a familiar name. This club from the small community of Ga. Kondey is not the only club in the fiercely competitive football atmosphere of Kondey, but there is something about them that is strange. Wonderfully strange. Let’s have a look at why Sports Club Bafana commands the respect within the atoll.

Island communities in the Maldives are unique in so many ways. Every island is different in their own way. Sports Club Bafana has changed the lives of so many Kondeyans. The small population of Kondey is less than 600. Almost a third of them live on Kondey, rest like so many islands in the Maldives, lives in Male’ or other bigger communities.

Come December, all the football fans of the region look to where the futsal tournaments are. Clubs start their preparations. It’s huge. Well known futsal players like Ali Hafiz, Onli Shareef, Abdulla Ibrahim (Crespo) and others have played in the regional Futsal tournaments. Most notably KISSARU CUP. Kissaru is a local club specializing in the development of youth.  Their most praise worthy project is the Kissaru CUP, which is held every two years.

Since their semi-final appearance in the debut tournament in 2010, Bafana had won ‘Handsome’ One Day Cup twice, the Kondey Sports Club Futsal Tournament, STO Noofahi Gemanafushi Sports Club Tournament, Redbull winning five- Atoll Champions and the Kissaru Cup. Since their beginning Bafana has always managed to get other teams to fear them. They also finished runners up on numerous occasions.  

There are secrets behind success in every club, the co-founder Mohamed Ahmed, told us that their success lies with the people behind them, the players, the management and the very passionate supporters. He says “Mohamed Jinah (Kinboo) and I just facilitate and coordinate” such humbleness and respect for players and supporters!


Bafana has a policy of including two players under the age of 18 in their match squads. These players according to Mohamed Ahmed are for the future. One of the boys included in the squad this year is Rifau, only 15 years of age. Mohamed has only nice things to say about the future star of Bafana, “(Rifau is a) very talented left footed footballer. His style of dribbling skill and shooting is very similar to our national hero Ali Ashfaq (Dhagandey). We hope one day Rifau will represent our island at top level”


When asked about the most important player in Bafana, Mohamed explained that Bafana is a team and all the players are important for the success behind the team.

Mohamed was quick to praise the supporters of Bafana, The supporters along with the players and the management have a special bond that is vital for the team. They go by #EkuoodhuTeama on social media. “It means that the team belongs to them”, said Mohamed speaking about their togetherness. “…as the management, we keep providing whatever assistance they need and direct them”


Along with the founders of the club, Mohamed Ahmed and Ahmed Jinah, Abdulla Kinanath Kondey’s Minivan Championship winning coach are active in managing the club. Senior players Jamshad Ramiz, Mohamed Nashid, Abdulla Nasih, Mohamed Imthiyaz and Mohamed Inshau play a huge part in assembling the teams for every tournament. With the blessings of the management and these senior players, Bafana has found the perfect formula for success in the Futsal arena. Mohamed calls them the Pillars of the team. And they are loved by their hardcore fans.


Most of their players are already well known footballers in the atoll. Mohamed Inshau already signed for BG and Victory Sports as youth player.

“Kondey Football Club is like Bafana’s mother-team, we will give our all for Kondey Football Club, and most of our players are already Kondey players” Mohamed told us. He also indicated that there might be a Bafana football team too in the future. “It’s a huge challenge because of our small population, but we might find a way to compete in football tournaments as well with the help of our well-wishers".

One of the supporters, Jeez Mohamed said, “Bafana is not just a team, Bafana is family. A family of talented players and a well-mannered management, full of love and respect between them”.


Kissaru Foundation’s Mohamed Abbas told us that Bafana has done a lot for the development of football in Kondey. “They have created the opportunities for a lot of very good players to shine and I would like to thank the Bafana management for that” Abbas told BoalhaMV.

No doubt this club from the small town of Kondey is not small, they have the heart at the right place, they have the right management and their journey is still young. This sort of love and respect between the players, management and supporters is not easy to find.

As Mohamed puts it “…appreciate all the people behind this successful journey. Without our supporters this won’t be possible”

We at BoalhaMV wishes Sports Club Bafana and the supporters, All the best

Photo: Sports Club Bafana

12 August 2018