
Dhiraagu U-13 Youth League: ETFA and MSM boys as weekend winners

Dhiraagu U-13 Youth League: ETFA and MSM boys as weekend winners
Eagles Football Academy ETFA Maldives Soccer Mates (MSM) MS Helping Hand Sports Academy

In this ongoing Dhiraagu U-13 Youth League, Early Touch Football Academy (ETFA) and Maldives Soccer Mates (MSM) has won this weekend matches.

In the first match of yesterday evening, Early Touch Football Academy (ETFA) faced Eagles Football Academy side. ETFA boys won the match with a big 0-8 score. ETFA is the league table leaders while Eagles side is in the second bottom place.

During the match, ETFA boys managed to score 4 goals in each half. Just two minutes into the game, Aaly Mohamed (J#13) scored the opening of the evening. And his second of the evening followed just after 2 minutes. Aaly, the player who was outstanding on the right flank was unstoppable as he was making shots from long range. Eagles Football Academy side coach, Coach Kaka, made a tactical change as he switched his players position neutralize the trouble making Aaly on the right side.  At the 13th minute, Ismail Hoodh (J#17) scored the third of the evening for ETFA.  Just after four minutes, Dhayyan Ahmed (J#10) score the fourth and ended the first half with comfortable 0-4 lead.

Coming into the second half, Eagles boys made it better from the kick off, and held ETFA from scoring another. But it did not take too long for the brilliant ETFA boys to score their first of second half, fifth of the evening, at the 31st minute. It was Aamin Umar (J#11) who scored the fifth goal and made ito the score sheet. Two minutes later it was Dhayyan Ahmed again who scored his brace making it 0-6 in the score line. Last two goals of the match came from Dhayyan Ahmed and Ibrahim Hussain Atheeg (J#19). Dhayyan Ahmed went to complete his hatrick at the 37th minute while the center back, Ibrahim Hussain Atheeg made entry into the score sheet after scoring a beautiful goal from a long rang. It was a very disappointing loss for Eagles side as they were expecting to collect a point from the match after eneding the streak of defeats in their first 4 games. They went on to grab a point from their 5th match. But things went the other way for Eagles boys.

In the second match of the weekend, MS Helping Hand Academy boys faced Maldives Soccer Mates (MSM). MSM won the match comfortably with 0-5 score. Two minutes into the game, MSM boys opened their account for the evening as Mohamed Naif (J#11) scored the opener. Following to Naif, after two minutes, Mohamed Shaiban (J#20) made his mark by doubling the lead for his side, MSM. MSM boys was much superior in the game, all over the pitch. As a result, MSM scored their third, again after 2 minutes. This time it is Ahmed Shiyah (J#12). Match went to interval MSM leading by 0-3.

In the second part of the match, MSM boys managed to score double time. Last two goals of the match were scored by Ahmed Alaau (J#5) and Mohamed Julan (J#9) respectively.

Match ended on MSM favour by 0-5 score.

This youth league is the brand new chapter in the development program of FAM’s “Towards Future”.
Officials from both FAM and respective academies were present to watch the game. Moreover, the parents of the players, friends and families also were present during the match making the environment more exciting.

Dhiraagu is the main sponsor of this brand new chapter of the development program of Football of Maldives.

All the fixtures of this Dhiraagu U-13 Youth League 2018, matches will be played during the weekends. It was decided wisely by FAM as not to interrupt the school routine and extra studying times of these players.

There will be two matches played on each weekend day, Friday and Saturday.

All the matches of Dhiraagu U-13 Academy Championship will be played at the FAM mini turf pitch.


Photo by our image partner:

12 August 2018