
Green Streets Lift The Youth Championship Defeating Eagles

Green Streets Lift The Youth Championship Defeating Eagles
Club Green Streets New Radiant Sports Club

Green Streets wins the FAM Youth Championship beating Eagles 4-3 in the final match on penalties.

Match ended 0-0 at full time. Green Streets proved the stronger in the penalty shoot-outs. Senior National player, Abdulla Yaameen who was on International duty on previous clashes by the sides opened the scoring for Green Streets on first penalty of the penalty shoot-out. Other players to score from the spot for Green Streets are Hussain Aik, Shaifulla Ibrahim and Mohamed Minval. Yaameen was also awared the man of the match.

Shiraag Ibrahim Rasheed, Hussain Faisal and Haisham Hassan meanwhile converted their spot kicks for Eagles.

Previous two meetings by the two clubs also ended in draws. Both the teams end the Championship end the campaign unbeaten in open play. Eagles dominated Youth Championships winning the tournament on 3 occasions before Green Streets stripped them of the title tonight.




Green Street's coach, Hassan Ali has been awarded 'The Best Coach' award. Former Lagoons player is Green Street's coach Ali Suzain's assistant. Ali has also worked with Mohamed Athif at United Victory.

Four best players of the tournament were awarded to Haisham Hassan of Eagles, Moosa Azeem Hassan of Green Streets,  New Radiant's Yusuf Jaisham Nafiz and the Green Streets shot stopper Mohamed Zayan.

new Radiant Sports Club was awarded the fair play award.

This year the age group of the Youth cup was changed from under 21 to under 19. We saw an exciting competition come to an end with Green Streets dethroning the might Eagles.

Photo: ImagesMV

16 September 2018