
AFC C-Certificate Course Starts In Male'

AFC C-Certificate Course starts in Male'

AFC C-Certificate course starts with 22 participants yesterday. Some of the notable names involved in the C-certificate course are former National team captain and Valencia trainer Ismail Asif (Kuda Heena), Former Valencia player and Victory Sports Goalkeeper trainer Hassan Ali, former National player and Victory Assistant coach Ahmed Niyaz and Fokaidhoo FC player Ahmed Mohamed who also represented the National team.

The Course will be conducted by AFC Instructor Mohamed Shazly, the head of Coach Education Department. He will be assisted by Ahmed Mujthaba(Fesco) and Ahmed Shareef(Dunga).

AFC C-Certificate is the second level of FIFA member Associated coaching certificates. The C-certificate is usually done by former players and others who work in football. In some counties a D-license is a pre-requisite of the C-certificate.

The course deals with the basic tactics mostly with individual tactics and designed for Youth Development. The two week course has three practical exams and three theory exams. All participants are required to pass at least two practical exams and all the theory exams. C-certificate in some countries including England are called the Level 2 coaching certificate.


21 September 2018