
Ten Men Foakaidhoo Moves Up The Table Beating Fehendhoo

Ten Men Foakaidhoo Moves Up The Table Beating Fehendhoo
Fehendhoo Football Team Foakaidhoo Sports Club

Ten men Foakaidhoo moved up the table by defeating Fehendhoo 4-0.

Foakidhoo started the stronger side. Former TC and Maalhos man Khalil Gamal opened the scoring for Foakaidhoo in half hour mark.

In the second half, Fehendhoo started with intent to level the game, taking the game to Foakaidhoo. Things looked bleak when Ahmed Usam was sent off for swearing at the referee. He was shown the yellow card and seemed to repeat the offence and was given marching orders. It looked like Fehendhoo would equalize when 17 year old debutant Hassan Nazeem Qasim beat two defenders and passed to Khalil Gamal who crossed low for Mohamed Jailam (Oggy) to double Foakaidhoo's lead. Oggy's added his second a two minutes later. Mahmud Sayed (Ramos) then scored the fourth goal. The center back darted forward making a one two with Khalil and then easily beating the Fehendhoo defense line before blasting home to make it 4-0.

Fehendhoo will play against New Radiant on the 1st while Foakaidhoo play Nilandhoo on the 2nd evening. Foakaidhoo moves to fifth place with this win, above Victory And Eagles on goal difference, though Eagles has a game in hand.

Photo: ImagesMV


27 September 2018