
Rizey On Fire Again As Eagles Smashes Green Streets

Rizey On Fire Again As Eagles Smashes Green Streets
Club Green Streets

Rizey on fire as Eagles smashes Green Streets. Eagles beat Green Streets 7-0 in the Premier League clash this evening.

Rizey scored the opening goal for Eagles when Green Streets failed to clear the ball in the penalty box after Labaan Shareef saved the initial effort by Eagles, Ahmed Rizvan(Rizey) slotted home the opener in the 24th minute. A minute later a collective team effort by Eagles found Naim who played a through ball perfectly for Rizey to second goal in two minutes. 

Twenty minutes into the second half, Rizey again drew two defenders to him before perfectly laying the ball off to Mohamed Naim, Green Streets custodian Labaan saved the first time shot by Naim only for Hassan Raif (Hanna) to score Eagles' third of the night. Seven minutes later Naim's pass found Rizey who side stepped Maldives International Mohamed Saif to coolly complete his hattick. He makes it look so easy!

Ten minutes from time, Maldives International Ahmed Numan's (Helmet) 30 yard low pass found his brother Naim  in the middle. Naim played the ball wide to the man of the match Rizey who dribbles wide and passes back to Naim who scores the 5th goal for Eagles with a first time low shot. On the 86th minute Rizey collects a short corner and plays the ball to center back Shifantey(Shifan Hassan) who lays the ball for Naim to score his second. Deep into stoppage time Rizey scored arguably the goal of the month, placing the ball into the far post giving Labaan no chance. Rizey is all over the place. 

The win takes Eagles back into second place six points from TC who play Foakaidhoo tomorrow night. Third placed Maziya has a game in hand over Eagles.

Photo: ImagesMV

29 October 2018